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Basic Concept: Flipping a group
She landed eight hands in the World Series of Poker Main Event with 85,000 chips and the initial capitals at 200-400. It folds into a Lojack which raises to 1000, summons the snatch, and involves you with the button pressing 5 5
Question 1: Should you fold, roll, or increase to 4500, or increase to 6000?
Answer: I don’t remember the last time I got up again in a place like this. With smaller pairs, I always recommend calling the advance raises because when you bet three bets, you will sometimes get four bets, forcing you to pull out. A 4-5 bet prevents you from taking a highly playable hand with a chance to beat a combination. Even if your opponent decides to only call your group, you are still in trouble after the flop if you don’t hit your group.
For the most part, with hands that either have excellent hands or visibly marginal hands after the flop, you’d rather see the flop and go from there.
You call and the big blind calls too. flip comes 6 5
big blind checks, and Lojack bets 6000 (130% bet) out of 34,000 total. Kidnap folds and work on you.
Question 2: Should you pull out, call, increase to 14,000, or do everything?
Answer: The first question you want to ask is, “What does my opponent’s range look like?” If your reading indicates that your opponent often holds strong hands like pairs, you should be inclined to lift. Given that Lojack has only 28,000 left, you can put them all together.
A small raise should be avoided because while they are pricing your opponent, if they have a hand like JJ and an ace or king comes on the turn, they may be able to make a tight fold. Since Lojack can have hands other than distinct pairs, the connection would probably be perfect because it forces them to stay in the pot, allowing you to extract additional value when spinning and downstream. There is also the player left to work on the big blind to consider.
You’re calling out the big blind folds. turn is 2 And this time Lojack is achieved.
Question 3: Should you check, bet 3000, bet 8000, or bet 16000?
Answer: When your opponent checks the turn, it is safe to assume that he does not have a special hand. You definitely want to bet your full house, but what size should you use? 3000 is too small for the strength of your hand, and while it may be tempting to try to get all the money right now, 16000 is too much. 8000 Bet The bet grows steadily and your opponent leaves only 20,000 behind in the river, which you should be able to get all of it reasonably well.
You bet 8000 and your opponent calls. the river is 8 And your discount will come true.
Question 4: Should you check, bet 8000, bet 16000, or bet everything?
Answer: Sometimes in big/important events (such as WSOP . World Series of Poker main event) You can rationalize the use of an inclusive volume. If you can tell that your opponent doesn’t really want to be kicked out of the “private” tournament, betting 16,000 is probably better than going all out for 20,000.
But ignoring the times when your opponent is more inclined to call a no-all bet than an all-in-all, since your opponent is only behind 20,000 and the bet is at 32600, the correct play is to put them all-in.
You make your way and your opponent flexes.
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